Andersen Travels



Sandra and I (Dennis) enjoy traveling to many parts of the world, mostly study tours, to better understand the world we live in: it’s people, their culture and to witness the wonders of nature on this diverse planet we live on. With my hobby in photography, I will share some of our experiences through photos on these pages.

This being my first experience publishing on the web, I want to share photos from our recent trip to Iceland, September 1-11, 2007, on an Odysseys Unlimited Tour.

Note the links above which include our group portrait and our tour route in Iceland. On the tour route map, clicking on any of the symbols will link you to a slide show of scenes from that area and day of our trip. Slide show controls are on the bottom of each slide show page.

A recent (4/18/08) New York Times article describes the economic boom we witnessed while in Iceland and its current decline with the worldwide credit crisis.


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